Tuesday 20 May 2008

So my arm is still purple but not as sore as it was which is good, it looks worse than it is. Dialysis has been ok and they have been managing to get two needles in. As I said before the nurse has advised me to go for a scan of my fistula to make sure all is ok. My mum rang up the Royal Liverpool University Hopsital (RLUH) ultrasound department yesterday morning but they said that I would need an official referral from my dialysis nurses or my consultant. My mum then rang the dialysis unit to see what to do next and the unit manager took it from their and rang my consultant.

While all this was happening I was at work unaware of the goings on. I came home at dinner (as usual) and the unit manager rang and said get yourself to the Royal before 4 o clock , the consultant wants to see your arm! I started worrying that he was worried and also anxious that I would be unable to return for my afternoons work at the school. My fistula is essential for my survival basically so it was vital for me to get it looked at! My consultant is lovely and reassured me that all was well which, thankfully, it was. He tried to arrange for me to get a scan of my arm there and then but this wasn't possible as the radiographer had gone home.

The ultrasound department rang today and I am going to have the scan at 10.00am tomorrow and then go on to clinic to see my transplant surgeon at 10.45!

So today we have been looking after Peter again and have spent the whole day laughing, he is so funny although he is getting good at tantrums and giving evil looks!

Anyway fingers crossed the scan tomorrow confirms what the consultant said and everything is A ok with my arm.

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